Sunday, May 5, 2019

Therapeutic Acupressure

I am inspired by many different healing modalities and have entwined them into 3 customized Holistic Healing Treatments, I call Ceremonies or Healing Arts.Using a blend of Angel Card Readings, Chakra Balancing,, Amomatherapy, Guided Meditations, Reiki Inspired, and Therapeutic Acupressure Inspired, hand placements, along with some soothing Native American Flute Music, I have established a Path and Journey to Physical Healing, Spiritual Awareness, and a Restoration of Peace of Mind!Relax the 4 Elements of natural Earth Energy HealingMy Holistic Healing Journey through life started about 40 years ago with pure curiosity, leading to many enlightening experiences which enabled me to discover the gifts of helping others through Healing Ceremonies, or Treatment or Sessions.The mind, body, and soul connection is all part of the complete over all healing experience.I always knew, even as a child, I would be doing something with my hands, and I started my college education in a program for Medical Laboratory Techniques, hoping for a Medical Career.I was in and out of college, depending upon several pregnancies, and my growing family demands, and then quite by accident I discovered a brand new modality for me Therapeutic Acupressure, leading me forward to further investigate and study Therapeutic Touch, Reiki in several styles, and the wonderful modality of Qi Gong, taught to me by Robert Peng.I became a Certified Qi Gong Therapist. Almost at the same time, I became an in 2003, and I began practicing as part of a Bikram Yoga Studio Healing Team, involving a Chiropractor, The Yoga Instructors, a Massage Therapist, an Acupuncturist, a Chinese Herbalist, and myself, as a Holistic Qi Gong Therapist, and Therapeutic Acupressure Practitioner!But, it got a little distracting there, so to continue as a Healer, so I struck out on my own, turning an extra room in my home into a beautiful Healing Oasis Studio.But that was only the start of my learning, and I then began studying Reiki, and became a Reiki Master in several modalities. I became a Reiki Master in Usui, Karuna Ki, Violet Flame, and one I developed myself: Angel Paw Reiki for our beloved pets.I enjoyed a successful practice for 14 years in New Jersey, while continuing to learn, blend, and combine different Holistic Healing Modalities.During this time, I continued studying, and becoming Certified in areas I knew were part of my journey.I will list them all here. cheap nfl jerseys We met at paramedic school. I didn't really get to know him until the end of school. I knew he was married and it wasn't until we cheapjerseysalon started talking a lot that I knew of some of his marital problems. It is there to remind me, before I step out into the world, to be all that the Creator has intended for me to be. I am reminded that playing small does not serve anyone. 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